作者:佚名 来源:本站原创 发布时间:2008-05-12





序奏开始时,小提琴在a大调上奏出徐缓的震音,好像是多瑙河的水波在轻柔地翻动。 在这个背景上,圆号吹奏出这首乐曲最重要的一个动机,它象征着黎明的到来。


第二圆舞曲首先在d大调上出现, 巧妙而富于变化的第二圆舞曲描写了南阿尔卑斯山下的小姑娘们,穿着鹅绒舞裙在欢快地跳舞;突然乐曲转为降b大调,富于变化的色彩显得格外动人。



第五圆舞曲是第四圆舞曲音乐情绪的继续和发展,只是转到a大调上。 起伏、波浪式的旋律使人联想到在多瑙河上无忧无虑地荡舟时的情景。 接下去的部分,是全曲的高潮和结尾。乐曲的结尾有两种,一种是合唱型结尾,接在第五圆舞曲之后,很短。另一种是管弦乐曲结尾,较长,依次再现了第三圆舞曲、第四圆舞曲及第一圆舞曲的主题,最后结束在疾风骤雨式的狂欢气氛之中。


josef weyl的原版歌词

viennese, be happy!
oho, but why?
well, just look around!
but tell me, why?
a shimmer of light!
we can’t see anything yet.
well, it’s carnival!
well, so what?
so defy the times ?
o god, the times!
? of sadness.
ah, that would be clever!
what’s the use of regrets
and mourning,
so be happy and merry!
honour the law of carnival,
however bad the finances may be,
let us dance!
today anyone who sits at home
will be sweating
as much as the swarm of dancers
at the ball!
the farmer is scratching himself
because the times are so bad;
he forces hinself to take a run-up,
rushes to the tax office
and pays up.
the money’s gone, that’s for sure,
they’ll never part with it again,
so, as it’s carnival right now,
there’s a ball in the village inn,
and there are pretty girls there too,
we’ll have a knees-up,
even if we have no money.
in fact nobody has any money!
a fat landlord is very annoyed,
all the apartments in his house are empty,
it doesn’t matter ? despite his spleen
he’s going to a masked ball.
if six tenants are missing,
then the rents for the rest will be put up,
tomorrow an artist is moving in,
but he certainly won’t pay up,
if you call the bailiffs in it’s a nuisance,
people haven’t got a penny to their name,
that’s what the landlord thinks
and dances in his anger.
when he is near the graces
the artist feels both at ease and uneasy
like a little fish in the lake:
the happiness they radiate
makes him see them
as the embodiment of an ideal he’s long been dreaming of.
he’s the one who’s been kissed on the forehead by the muses,
who sweetens life,
whom beauty greets.
where joy and love come to flower
the artist feels at home.
with quick movements,
fresh and youthful
every artist
presents himself in a masterly way,
hence it is quite understandable
that art stands in such high favour with the ladies.
even the political, critical gentlemen
like to turn wisely in a circle,
even if they seem to be moving nimbly
they never actually leave the one spot.
and just as they dance the waltz, so they usually make a mess
of the ideas in their brains ? despite their efforts,
however exactly they write down everything down,
unfortunately they keep losing the beat.
so just keep on
dancing without a break,
make the most of the moment,
for your good fortune
will not return.
use quickly
what you have got today,
because time flies
and the rose of joy fades!
so dance, just dance!

作者简介:小约翰·施特劳斯 (johann strauss,1825-1899),老约翰·施特劳斯的儿子,奥地利著名的轻音乐作曲家。出生在风行跳舞的维也纳一个音乐家家庭,与父亲同名。

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